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David Ninan (ed): Collaborative language learning and teaching


The Teacher's Role in Implementing Cooperative Learning in the Classroom

Gillies, Robyn M.; Ashman, Adrian; Terwel, Jan (Eds.)

2008, X, 266 p., tämä kirja vaikuttaisi mielenkiintoiselta, mutta en saa sitä käsiini...



Opettajan rooli yhtesitoiminnallisesa oppimisessa on ennen kaikkea motivoida ja ohjata oppilaita. Hänen tulee osata valita oikeat tehtävänasettelut ja kysymykset sekä toimintaympäristö; jo kysymyksenasettelussa hänellä on odotettu tulos mielessään. Opettajan on myös tunnettava oppilaansa, jotta hän voi muodostaa toimivia ryhmiä.

Opettajan rooli on fasilitaattori; oppimisen edistäjä.

Yhtesitoiminnallisessa oppimisessa opettaja voi tukea myös oppilaiden vuorovaikutusta.

Opettaja toimii myös oppijanan, oppilaiden kanssa tasa-arvoisesna.

Teacher Roles

Though the focus in CSCL is on individuals collaborating with their peers, teachers still have a vital role in facilitating learning. Most obviously, the instructor must introduce the CSCL activity in a thoughtful way that contributes to an overarching design plan for the course. The design should clearly define the learning outcomes and assessments for the activity. In order to assure that learners are aware of these objectives and that they are eventually met, proper administration of both resources and expectations is necessary to avoid learner overload. Once the activity has begun, the teacher is charged with kick-starting and monitoring discussion to facilitate learning. He or she must also be able to mitigate technical issues for the class. Lastly, the instructor must engage in assessment, in whatever form the design calls for, in order to ensure objectives have been met for all students.[22]

Without the proper structure, any CSCL strategy can lose its effectiveness. It is the responsibility of the teacher to make students aware of what their goals are, how they should be interacting, potential technological concerns, and the time-frame for the exercise. This framework should enhance the experience for learners by supporting collaboration and creating opportunities for the construction of knowledge.[23][24] Another important consideration of educators who implement online learning environments is affordance. Students who are already comfortable with online communication often choose to interact casually. Mediators should pay special attention to make students aware of their expectations for formality online.[25] While students sometime have frames of reference for online communication, they often do not have all of the skills necessary to solve problems by themselves. Ideally, teachers provide what is called "scaffolding" or a platform of knowledge that they can build on. A unique benefit of CSCL is that, given proper teacher facilitation, students can use technology to build learning foundations with their peers.This allows instructors to gauge the difficulty of the tasks presented and make informed decisions about the extent of the scaffolding needed


opettajan rooli on tärkeä. synergistic scaffolding (dillenbourg 20069




Computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL)


1 assunme responsibility for preparation and presentation of lerning task

immediately consult with students to correct problems and keep them on task

be aware of student needs and wishes; respond promptly to communications and tests

build student motivation

combat prejudice of communicational barriers

establish an effective environment for student-techer and student-student interaction

techer encouragement and feedback


in order to encourage active participation from the distance learners for collaborative projects and assignments the teacher should play active role too: initiating the discussion, giving encouraging comments, answering queries promptly, guiding the readings and correcting language errors-

Teacher Role in encouraging online Collaboration in Distance Education

1. Teacher promotes learner autonomy and is aware of individual differences.

2. Teacher uses relevant and current information to transmit knowledge. Teacher

constantly researches the curriculum and provides concrete up-to-date


3. Teacher gives importance to the thoughts of students and promotes student

research, evaluation, discussion, and reporting.

4. Teacher is aware of individual student differences when designing course


5. Teacher knows student prerequisite skills and knowledge and uses this

foundation to build new knowledge. In addition, the teacher knows how

learner can learn.

6. Teacher initiates student-teacher interaction, and has communication and

technological skills to effectively implement distance education.

7. Teacher constructs student-centered learning with opportunities for

interaction. Students are responsible for learning and responsible for

contacting teacher when needed.

8. Teacher collaborates with student in self-development and responsibility.

9. Teacher provides environment, materials, and guidance for collaborative

learning, interactive discussion groups, individual learning, and research.

10. Teacher provides prompt and accurate feedback to students to facilitate



(The roles of teachers and students in computer supported collaborative learning among distance learners (Siti Hamin)






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